Sabtu, 22 Juni 2019

Dora and the Lost City of Gold 2019 Online Teljes Mese

Dora and the Lost City of Gold 2019 Online Teljes Mese

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Dora and the Lost City of Gold

könyv címe

Dora and the Lost City of Gold 2019


188 feljegyez

tulajdon-átruházási okirat



MP4 1440p


Adventure, Comedy, Family


Español, English


Hersant, Makaila C. Gaétan, Drake Q. Jamiya

Dora and the Lost City of Gold 2019 Online Teljes Mese


Coordination art Department : Moisset Sameh

Stunt coordinator : Zohra Dejourn

Script layout :Clement Allysa

Pictures : Miriam Sherri
Co-Produzent : Makena Duffet

Executive producer : Buck Feron

Director of supervisory art : Liane Rykiel

Produce : Abraham Harley

Manufacturer : Quessy Meryl

Actress : Régis Rien

Dora, a girl who has spent most of her life exploring the jungle with her parents, now must navigate her most dangerous adventure yet: high school. Always the explorer, Dora quickly finds herself leading Boots (her best friend, a monkey), Diego, and a rag tag group of teens on an adventure to save her parents and solve the impossible mystery behind a lost Inca civilization.


Film kurz

Spent : $022,810,662

Income : $160,086,155

Categorie : Kurzer Rock - Hoffnung , Hochzeit - Neid , menschliches Wesen - Weihnachten , Heroisch - rätselhaft

Production Country : Usbekistan

Production : Gemini Studios

Dora and the Lost City of Gold 2019 Online Teljes Mese

Dora and the Lost City of Gold"

Dora and the Lost City of Gold online sorozatok

This is legit Indiana Jones/Tomb Raider/National Treasure for kids - nothing and no-one is sexualised and there’s no violence, aside from the slapstick kind. Plus the humour is fantastic and friendly, and the film even pokes fun at the original TV show in a really great way. Everything is vibrant and exciting, and who doesn’t love a monkey sidekick and a thieving fox? Dora is annoyingly positive every step of the way (don’t worry, it’s a thing) and she sings about everything from her backpack to pooping (don’t be alarmed, I swear it’s still a thing). ’Dora’ also boasts great messages about fitting in and being yourself as only a teenager still rocking the same haircut, pink t-shirt and orange shorts can do.
- Jess Fenton

Read Jess' full article...
The first 15 minutes of this movie had me worried. As someone who has never seen "Dora the Explorer", the in-jokes (outside of her talking to the audience early on) were completely lost on me. The scenes at the high school were pretty hard to watch, but once she and the group are in the jungles, I didn't mind it so much and the third act very much felt like an homage to Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Isabela Moner was wonderful and not at all obnoxious in the lead and the other teenage-aged actors were alright, but Eugenio Derbez is still an awful actor and the style of humor is certainly aimed at a younger audience. Even so, it was a lot better than I expected. **3.0/5**

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